I m p r i n t

SMG Energy Transition SE, société européenne, incorporated under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, having its registered office at 9, rue de Bitbourg, L-1273 Luxembourg and registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register (Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés de Luxembourg) under number B [...] (the “Company”).

Legal notices

The Company only accepts liability for any content depicted on its own website (www.smg-energy-transition.com). For any content of website, which is accessed via a link on websites of the Company or by a technical malfunction or by willful manipulation of third parties or by negligent, gross negligent or willful misdirection of third parties, the Company does not accept any liability.

The legal notices on this website as well as all questions and disputes in connection with this website are subject to the law of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.